Agunah Cases
JTA- June 28, 2017- Can a woman refuse to give her husband a Jewish religious divorce? It just happened in Australia
Newsweek- April 8, 2015- In Orthodox Jewish Divorce, Men Hold All The Cards
Baltimore Jewish Times- February 5, 2015- Woman’s 11-Year Get Battle Comes to an End
The New York Times- March 21, 2014- Unwilling to Allow His Wife a Divorce, He Marries Another
The New York Post- November 4, 2013- An Orthodox Woman's 3-year Divorce Fight
The Huffington Post- March 5, 2012- Compelling Jewish Men to Grant a Divorce Through Social Media
The New York Times- January 3, 2011- Religious Divorce Dispute Leads to Secular Protest
The Jewish Divorce Process
The Jewish Press- March 17, 2017- Cheshbon Nefesh On The Plight Of Agunot
Newsweek- November 12, 2013 Divorce in the Orthodox Community Can be Brutul, Degrading and Endless
The Jerusalem Post- March 1, 2012- It Isn't Over Until The Husband Says 'I Do'
The Halachic Prenup
The Wall Street Journal-April 5, 2016- For Orthodox Jews, a Different Kind of Prenup
Tablet Magazine- March 30, 2015- Signing Pre- And Post-Nuptials In Crown Heights
Tablet Magazine- March 6, 2015- Sign On The Dotted Line
The New York Times- March 16, 2012- Where Divorce Can Be Denied, Orthodox Jews Look to Prenuptial Contracts
Written By Our Staff
The Times of Israel- December 30, 2018: Is Public Shaming Ever Okay?
Nashim- August 2017- Scars of the Soul: Get Refusal and Spiritual Abuse in Orthodox Jewish Communities
The Times of Israel- August 3, 2017- Afraid to Sign the Halachic Prenup? Read This.
Lehrhaus- July 24, 2017- A Failed Attempt to Challenge the Halakhic Prenup
The Times Of Israel- May 24, 2017- What We Say When We Give... And When We Don’t
The Times Of Israel- September 1, 2016- Get refusal: But isn’t it the man’s only trump card?
The Times Of Israel- November 25, 2014- GET REFUSAL: When There’s Only One Side to the Story
Nachum Segal Network- November 11, 2013- Interview With Rabbi Jeremy Stern
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