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Rabbinic Endorsements

ORA operates under the halachic guidance of Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS).


Click here to view a letter of endorsement from Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst and Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz.

Click here to view a letter of endorsement from Rabbi Moshe Heinemann.

Below is a partial listing of rabbis

who support ORA's work:


Rabbi Nissan Antine
Rabbi Kenneth Auman

Rabbi David Bassous

Rabbi Shalom Baum
Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Dahan
Rabbi Eliyahu Ben-Haim

Rabbi Gedalya Berger
Rabbi Ari Berman
Rabbi Azarya Berzon

Rabbi Hershel Billet

Rabbi Yitzchak Blau
Rabbi Yosef Blau
Rabbi Reuven Brand

Rabbi Kenneth Brander
Rabbi Nasanayl Braun

Rabbi Michael Broyde
Rabbi Shalom Carmy
Rabbi Zevulun Charlop z"l

Rabbi Mark Dratch

Rabbi Zvi Engel
Rabbi Shaul Epstein

Rabbi Ilan Feldman 

Rabbi Reuven Fink

Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst

Rabbi Barry Gelman

Rabbi Menachem Genack
Rabbi Ozer Glickman z"l

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Rabbi Meir Goldwicht

Rabbi Yonah Gross
Rabbi Joseph Grunblatt z"'l

Rabbi Moshe Grussgott

Rabbi Kenny Hain
Rabbi Shmuel Hain

Rabbi Moshe Heinemann

Rabbi Basil Herring

Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld
Rabbi Yisroel Isaacs

Rabbi Howard Jachter
Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman
Rabbi Barry Kornblau

Rabbi Elly Krimsky
Rabbi Norman Lamm z"l
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Rabbi Asher Lopatin

Rabbi Leonard Matanky
Rabbi Yaacov Neuberger
Rabbi Marc Penner
Rabbi Steven Pruzansky
Rabbi Jason Rappoport
Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet

Rabbi Michael Rosensweig

Rabbi Yonason Sacks

Rabbi Jeffrey Saks

Rabbi Hershel Schachter

Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter

Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld z"l

Rabbi Efrem Schwalb

Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz z"l

Rabbi Michael Shmidman

Rabbi Yitzchak Sladowsky

Rabbi Peretz Steinberg

Rabbi Michael Taubes

Rabbi Elazar Meir Teitz z"l

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler z"l

Rabbi Etan Tokayer

Rabbi Steven Weil

Rabbi Moshe Weinberger

Rabbi Richard Weiss

Rabbi Jeremy Wieder

Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler

"ORA has helped the plight of a number of agunot in Southern California. They are empathetic, proactive and wonderful to work with. They helped a community that was in pain and was looking for support. It was an honor to work with ORA."

-Rabbi Steven Weil
Executive Vice President, Orthodox Union
Rabbi Emeritus, Beth Jacob Congregation, Beverly Hills

"I have seen first hand the results that ORA achieves in freeing agunot from their recalcitrant spouses. They are fighting in the trenches – doing whatever it takes to obtain valid gittin, albeit always with the approval of Torah authorities. It is unfortunate that we have a need for an organization such as ORA, but I thank G-d that it is available and willing to help whenever needed."
-Rabbi Kenneth Auman
Rabbi of the Young Israel of Flatbush
Former President of the Rabbinical Council of America

"Unfortunately, on a few occasions, I have been involved in situations in which an individual was improperly withholding a get from his spouse for years. Acting under the guidance of gedolei haposkim, ORA was instrumental in obtaining a get, freeing agunot from incredibly painful situations. Our community owes tremendous hakaras hatov to ORA for their efforts on behalf of those whose suffering is indescribable."

-Rabbi Efrem Schwalb

Rabbi of Congregation Eitz Chaim of Dogwood Park

"I strongly support the work of ORA and have seen first-hand the results of their efforts. I have been extremely impressed by the deep sensitivity and high level of professionalism that the staff of ORA brings to their holy work. ORA is eminently deserving of our full support."
-Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter
Professor of Jewish History and Jewish Thought, Yeshiva University
Senior Scholar, Center for the Jewish Future, Yeshiva University

"I add my name to Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz shlita and Rav Hershel Schachter shlita in support of ORA - the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot. I also have only positive experiences to report about ORA. I join Rav Schwartz and Rav Schachter's call to all members of the Jewish community to support ORA."
-Rabbi Howard Jachter
Dayan, Beth Din of Elizabeth
Rebbe, Torah Academy of Bergen County

"The work of ORA helps to ensure that the Torah will never be used as a tool against a spouse. ORA does a wonderful job in educating our young people on the importance of the prenuptial agreement and speaking truth to power in the way they advocate for a victimized spouse. Few organizations are like ORA, whose greatest desire is for their organization to become irrelevant."
-Rabbi Kenneth Brander
Vice President for University and Community Life, Yeshiva University

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