Recognition and Grants
Current Grants:

Recent Grants:
Arev Fund
ORA has partnered with the Arev Fund to implement an innovative and far-reaching social media campaign to raise awareness about the plight of agunot and highlight a specific agunah case. Through this grant initiative, ORA hopes to help resolve the agunah case as well as sensitize the Jewish community to the plight of agunot and the abusive nature of get-refusal.
Aviv Foundation
Aviv Foundation
ORA has partnered with the Aviv Foundation to implement the ORA Campus Fellowship for the fourth year in a row. The ORA Campus Fellowship trains Orthodox college students to become leaders in preventing situations of get-abuse and raising awareness about the halachic prenup on their college campuses.
ORA received a generous legacy grant from G.E.T. (Getting Equitable Treatment), an organization that began decades ago which trailblazed the social advocacy approach to resolving agunah cases. This grant subsidizes the costs of specific case resolution efforts to ensure that ORA has the resources it needs to resolve agunah cases, ORA is honored to continue the legacy of G.E.T. by advocating for those who are in the greatest need for support and advocacy.
Jewish Women's Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh
ORA has partnered with the Jewish Women's Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh to implement the Agunah Prevention Initiative in the Pittsburgh area. This initiative includes implementing educational programs in local schools and synagogues, creating an Agunah Prevetnion Task Force, and hosting a Postnup Party to standardize the use of the halachic prenup throughout the Pittsburgh Jewish community.
Jewish Women's Foundation of New York
This is the second year that ORA is partnering with the Jewish Women's Foundation of New York to expand the scope of its Agunah Prevention Initiative in the New York area. This initiative aims to empower thousands of Jewish women and girls in New York with the knowledge, tools and support to protect themselves from domestic abuse in general and get-refusal in particular.
Jewish Women's Fund of Atlanta
ORA has partnered with the Jewish Women's Fund of Atlanta to implement the Agunah Prevention Initiative in the Atlanta area. This initiative includes implementing educational programs in local schools and synagogues, creating an Agunah Prevetnion Task Force, and hosting a Postnup Party to standardize the use of the halachic prenup throughout the Atlanta Jewish community.

The Max & Anna Levinson Foundation
ORA partnered with the Max & Anna Levinson Foundation in 2018-2019 to support ORA's Agunah Advocacy Program (AAP). Our advocacy team works one-on-one with agunot, strategizes action plans for the resolution of cases, and empowers those we work with by providing critical emotional support.
Slingshot Guide
ORA was selected as one of the most innovative Jewish nonprofits in North America by the Slingshot Guide! We are honored to be included for the third year in a row in the Women and Girl's Supplement.
Click here to see ORA's profile in Slingshot.
Yedidut Toronto
ORA partnered with Yedidut Toronto to implement and grow One Step Forward: The Jewish Divorce Resource Line. This resource line provides guidance, support, and referrals to individuals in North America who have recently separated from their spouses or are considering separation and are seeking guidance in navigating theJewish divorce process. Yedidut Toronto also awarded a generous grant to support ORA agunah advocacy.