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Ready to Sign?

Signing a prenup is simple!


If you're signing a prenup on your own: follow our simple step-by-step guide to signing a halachic prenup. If you need help signing the prenup, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to guide you through the process!


Signing the prenup with ORA: The ORA office is available to facilitate your halachic pre/postnup from our Teaneck, NJ office. If you can't make it there, we're still able to help you with signing the prenup on your own, free of charge!

We can: 
1. Talk you through the prenup signing process and answer any questions you may have.

2. Help connect you with a local notary or local business that has a notary on staff. A notary is required to sign the prenup.

3. Help you with the paperwork and retain a copy of your prenup in our registry. 


Please fill out the form below with any and all prenup inquiries. 


(Please note: that if your Mesader Kedushin is a registered clergy person in the state of New York, they can act in place of the notary for the prenup.)

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If you have any questions about signing the prenup, please contact us at or 212-795-0791.

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