Testimonials of Former Agunot:
"I had been trying unsuccessfully for three years to obtain a get. After ORA became involved, I had the get in my hands only a few weeks later."
"Words cannot express my feelings of gratitude and relief. Your ability to communicate directly with the rabbis and my ex-husband proved extremely helpful."
"Thank you...It's good to know there are people out there fighting for me..."
"I am grateful to ORA because you have not only helped me in this long process, but have strongly reinforced my feeling that the real goal of religion is to care about others - a real lesson in ahavat yisrael that I sincerely hope to never forget."
"Thank you for your support and kindness. May God bless you and repay you k'gmulchem hatov. With heartfelt and immeasurable appreciation..."
"I want to thank you and your organization for being a lifeline to me these past years and especially to my ORA caseworker who did so in such a caring and effective manner!"
"Thank you for all of the work that you do. I have seen firsthand the enormous efforts and the true sincerity with which you undertake the amazing work that you do. Your caring and determination are remarkable. I am so grateful for your involvement and help when I most needed it."
"Thank you so much for you help and concern. I do not think I would have gotten my get without your help. I appreciate that you helped me. During this experience, I felt very unsure of whom to trust and who had their own agenda. I felt that you did not pass judgment on me."
"I want to thank you and your organization for being a lifeline to me these past years..."

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done to help me get my get. I couldn't have done it without your help and dedication.... Thanks for helping to set me free."
-Shella, a former agunah, pictured here with her daughter